Click here to request membership for spring semester! Choir available for spring semester!

Payment Policies & Cancellation

We ask, as always, that you prayerfully consider your students, schedule, & finances before registering for classes.

  • There is a $95 annual Family Membership Fee. 

  • All payments are processed through NEWTEK via the Truth Academy website.  There will be a 3% technology fee added to the total. This amount does not go to Truth Academy, but to the payment processor.  

  • We cannot accept checks as payment for classes.

  • We are unable to accommodate payment plans for class fees. 

  • All changes after initial registration will be done by the Registrar. Email notification is required.

  • Please utilize the Waitlist option, some class sizes may be flexible. This includes Student Lounge, if necessary. Priority goes to those on the Waitlist. 

  • You are eligible to register for another class in the same time slot as your waitlisted class.

  • If a place becomes available in the waitlisted class - there will be no fee for switching into the waitlisted class. The Registrar will manage the changes if you choose to switch.

  • Students are eligible for one Student Lounge hour per semester. Student Lounge registration is limited to a number that can be effectively managed each hour; it may not be available to your student based on current enrollment numbers.

  • Student Lounge cannot be guaranteed for students who drop classes and need to fill the gap. Please consider this when scheduling and dropping classes.  

  • Student Lounge should be registered for immediately upon registration for other classes to ensure openings are available for your student.

April 18th, 2024/November 7th, 2024 - Registration Opens

Minimum Payments Due at Time of Registration

  • $95 Family Membership Fee must be paid immediately upon registering for classes. It will be a part of your Statement of Account. It can be paid at the same time as initial registration payments. This fee is non-refundable.

  • Full payment of one class, per student registered, is due immediately at the time of registration.

June 1st, 2024/December 15th, 2024 - Full Payment of Account is Due

Full balance of account is due June 1st/December 15th.  Any payment after this date will incur a $25 late fee.

  • Class placements are not guaranteed until full payment is made for the class.  

  • Unpaid class registrations will be held until June 15th/December 30th. After June 15th/December 30th, your registrations will be dropped automatically if unpaid. Subject to availability, classes will have to be re-registered for.



We operate on a tiered fee structure for dropped/switched classes.  A “switch” of class functions the same as a drop since it creates the same scheduling situations for instructors and enrollment. 


Withdrawal April 18th - June 1st/November 7th - December 15th, 2024

  • One time membership fee of $95 is non-refundable.

  • $10 fee per class dropped/switched - Admins will remove student/s from class upon request of family.  Families may register for replacement classes on the website.

Withdrawal June 1st - August 1st/December 15th, 2024 - January 1st, 2025

  • One time membership fee of $95 is non-refundable.

  • $25 fee per class dropped/switched.  Admins will remove student/s from class upon request of family.  Families may register for replacement classes on the website.

Withdrawal August 1st/January 2nd, 2025 - Beginning of Classes 

  • One time membership fee of $95 is non-refundable.

  • $50 fee per class dropped/switched - Admins will remove student/s from class upon request of family. Families may register for replacement classes on the website.


Withdrawals made before 9 pm on the first Friday of classes (9/6/24) & (01/10/2025)

  • Email notification to Truth Academy is required. [email protected]

  • $50 fee per class dropped - Admins will remove student/s from class upon request of family.

  • Families may request new class registration if space is available. Classes will be charged at the full semester price without pro-rating.

  • Student Lounge availability is not guaranteed for students who do not register for replacement classes.

Withdrawal after 9 pm on the first Friday of classes will receive NO REFUND.

  • Email notification to Truth Academy is required. [email protected]

  • No refund will be given. Families may still drop classes and enroll in replacement classes if space is available. Tuition for the new class will be charged at the full semester price.