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Our Instructors and Staff

Jenni Brandt

Jenni is a homeschool mom, previous public school teacher, and lover of children’s literature! Their family has been homeschooling since 2013 and has been a part of Truth Academy for the past two years. Jenni grew up on a dairy farm in Wisconsin and was homeschooled from 6th-12th grade. She graduated from Crown College with a degree in Elementary Education and taught at both the Elementary and Middle School levels, specializing in Language Arts. Jenni lives in New Hope with her husband, Ben, and three kids: Ellie, Claire, and Bjorn. Together they have enjoyed countless hours of beautiful stories read aloud. She is excited to share her love of writing and language arts with the students at Truth Academy.

Judy Brown 

Judy has a BA in Elementary and Special Education, and a MS in Literacy. With over 20 years of teaching experience, in both regular and special education, private, public, and homeschool settings, she has a passion for teaching children and especially for teaching children from a biblical worldview.  Judy is a current reading tutor, piano teacher, and Bible teacher. It gives her great joy to teach in the student program at a local BSF (Bible Study Fellowship) group, and she also loves teaching a 6th grade biblical foundations class on Sunday mornings with her husband as her co-teacher. Each summer she teaches reading in the summer school program at Groves Academy; a school that meets the needs of students with many learning challenges that can often accompany diagnoses such as dyslexia and ADHD.  A transplant from Long Island, New York, she now makes her home in a small town with her wonderful husband, 3 teenage sons (which includes a set of twins), and one miracle-girl daughter. A few of her favorites include reading christian historical fiction, eating at Nautical Bowls, and going "home" to NY every summer. No trip is complete without swimming at her favorite ocean beach and eating New York pizza. She is absolutely thrilled to join the Truth Academy family!

Kimberly Grainger

Kimberly (never “Kim”) Grainger has taught for 40 years. From children’s church and Sunday School, to an Elementary Education degree and teaching at Pensacola Christian Academy, from writing and editing Christian school curricula to 16 years homeschooling four kids, she is an enthusiastic voice for Biblio-centric education. As a mother of four, MIL of three, and grandma of two, Kimberly loves children, and thrills when they grasp truth, grow in faith and enjoy the process. Kimberly is eagerly anticipating successful collaboration with students and parents, growing, laughing, and learning together. 

Laura Glassel

Laura Glassel grew up in the New England area, Germany, and Minnesota. She received her associate's degree in Aircraft Maintenance, her bachelor's degree in Missionary Aviation, and her master's degree in Bible Translation from Bob Jones University. As part of her education, she earned both her aircraft mechanic's and pilot's certificates. During her college years, she tutored high school students and learned a lot about teaching techniques and learning. She has been tutoring and teaching middle school and high school classes in the Twin Cities since 2008.

Tessa Hagen

Ms Tessa has been training in Tae Kwon Do her whole life. Her mother was the head instructor of her school, so as a child it was something she had to do, but she quickly discovered that it was her passion as well. She received her black belt as a teenager and has been teaching ever since. In 2023 she achieved the status of Master by finishing her 4th degree black belt. She teaches in 4 locations outside of TA during the week and enjoys it tremendously! When she is not teaching TKD, she is usually found at home with her husband, her two sons (who are homeschooled) and her FIVE cats! 

Bonita Jerome

Bonita Jerome fell in love with teaching while working as an administrator and tutor at a small missionary kids’ school in the Philippines just after graduating from high school. Returning to the U.S. in 1990, she pursued a career in elementary and middle school education with an emphasis on language arts.  She then spent over a decade teaching elementary and middle school students at several private Christian schools.  Bonita has spent the last decade educating her own children at home, teaching and tutoring in the homeschool community, and trying to keep up on the laundry.  She is incredibly blessed to be a part of the Truth Academy community and is looking forward to another year of introducing students to the joys of reading and writing well.

Kathi Koester

Kathi homeschooled her children for 17 years and has taught homeschool co-op classes in 5 different churches. She also led an American Heritage Girl troop and taught at Southwest Christian High School. She has a Bachelor of Science, etc. You can meet her via her published book Our Piano Teacher, and @Maknartceramics Instagram. Kathi is married to an engineer, and they have a son, 24 years old, and a daughter who is a junior (Fall ‘24) at SWCHS. Dave and Kathi participate in various charities and study groups. They love travel, and look forward to chaperoning the SWCHS students to England & Scotland this May! 

Jolene Lund

Jolene was introduced to homeschooling back in the early 80's when her parents decided to homeschool her in kindergarten. Her parents actually attended the very first MACHE meeting! She was homeschooled through high school and did some PSEO through Northwestern College (through video tapes and snail mail!).  She and her husband have homeschooled all 4 of their kids and only have one left to graduate.  She came to faith in Christ at the age of 5 and has seen the work of God throughout her life to sanctify and grow her through the various seasons of life.  She stays busy as a piano/violin teacher and is also a certified biblical counselor through the Harbor Center for Biblical Counseling in Mound.  She has a heart to see intergenerational discipleship relationships grow among older and younger women and is involved in a couple ministries that encourage this!  She has always enjoyed sewing everything from curtains to clothes to quilts and many things in between--which is a skill her grandma taught her as part of her homeschooling experience growing up.

Andrea Merboth

Andrea Merboth has a BA degree in Occupational Therapy. Andrea has taken various art classes in watercolor and oil painting and has been involved in several art shows, art exhibits, and canvass painting parties with small and large groups. She has taught art classes for 15 years to varied age groups, primarily to the homeschool population. In addition to enjoying painting on canvas, Andrea paints furniture, walls, fabric, room murals, a 10’x20’ mural in the library in McGregor MN, a mural in Ciudad Juarez with locals and done set painting for full-length plays with AGLOW-a homeschool theater experience. With her husband they have helped young people in the Christian faith, realizing that all forms of communication, including art have the ability to either draw you towards or away from the truths of God. She believes that beauty is a reflection of God, and art classes can empower students to find creative ways to share God with the world.

Ann Pearson

My name is Ann Pearson. Born and raised in Spring Park on Lake Minnetonka, I am a true “lake girl”. I taught at the elementary level, primarily in private schools, for 14 years before becoming a stay-at-home mom once my oldest child was born. This has always been my dream job! I hold an M.A. in Education from the University of Minnesota, and I particularly enjoy teaching history/social studies, especially American history. My family consists of my husband Carl and our three children: Abby (14), Nolan (13), and Evan (11). We’ve been homeschooling for four years now and are grateful the Lord changed our educational path. In my free time, I enjoy boating, swimming, reading, writing, nature walks, and spending time with my family.

Kim Witthuhn

Kim Witthuhn works as a professional editor and has taught English, social sciences, career exploration, intro to personality, study skills, and personal finance at various homeschool organizations over the last 20 years, including homeschooling her own children. She is also a certified career consultant and enjoys helping people discover the unique design God gave them. She is passionate about helping students enjoy learning and knowing God better by studying His Word and the world He created. Mrs. Witthuhn graduated from Concordia University with a BA in English and Social Science Education. She lives in Eden Prairie with her husband and two of her four children and enjoys studying the Bible, reading, learning, and spending time with family.

Terri Wood

Terri has been teaching Apologia Science classes at the high school level since 2001. She has a passion for science and is able to explain difficult concepts in an organized and understandable way. Her classes are well-planned and enjoyable, and she takes a special interest in every student. She first pursued her interest in science by becoming a Registered Medical Assistant and being employed in a medical clinic in Minneapolis. She homeschooled her own three children from kindergarten through graduation and has tutored dozens of math students at all levels. When she isn’t teaching science classes, you might find her riding her tandem along Rebecca Park trail with her husband.

Meagin Wuetherich - Administrator 

We began homeschooling in 2013 thinking it would just be for the remainder of the school year, now I praise The Lord that He quickly called us to persevere! I am passionate about furthering The Gospel message, especially to our youth. Born and raised in Minnesota I appreciate the outdoors in every season, nature is one of God’s best classrooms. I love gardening, reading, cooking, and sharing those hobbies with my kids. When I am not at TA you will probably find me feeding a whole bunch of people, pulling weeds, or frustrating my husband of 19 years by beginning another home project.

Becky Bailey - Administrator 

My journey in the homeschool world began very early in my life. My parents attended one of the very first Mache meetings in the early 1980s, and committed to homeschooling me and my four siblings. I grew up attending church here at Calvary which is how I met my husband! Andy and I got married in 2003, and we live in the St Boni area where we are raising our 4 children. Our decision to homeschool was a natural one because of my past experience. Andy and I also really liked the idea of being able to control the learning environment of our children and most importantly, what they were being taught. And so our homeschool journey began in 2010. We were blessed to be a part of a small homeschool group consisting of four families that met twice monthly for several years. We have also enjoyed taking classes at Wings coop, and now love being a part of Truth Academy as our children begin High School. My Husband is an Operating Engineer, and because of his work schedule, we get to have him home with us a lot in the winter months. I am a Cosmetologist by training, and after years of working in the salon, I retired in 2009. I am also a staff member of a local BSF group that has a homeschool program. I love that my children and I can attend and study the Bible together! Our family enjoys playing games, reading books, listening to audio stories, playing musical instruments, and just spending time together. I am excited to be a part of Truth Academy’s Admin team! I look forward to partnering with TA families, and supporting them as they raise the next generation of disciples for Jesus Christ.