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Instructor Opportunities

indicates a required answer

Are you interested in becoming an instructor at Truth Academy?  

1.  Are you available on Fridays? (We meet for two 14-week semesters during the school year at Calvary Memorial Church, 2420 Dunwoody Avenue, Wayzata (Navarre), MN 55391).

2.  Do you feel confident and comfortable signing our Statement of Faith?  (We require all staff, instructors, and families to sign). 

3.  Please be sure to read Who We Are to find out if Truth Academy is the right fit for you.

Potential applicants would need to be able to adhere to our Statement of Christian Faith and other policies.  We have classes from 9am-4:30pm.  Please see our class offerings and schedule for a better idea of what we currently offer.  We offer negotiable compensation to our instructors, including a supply fee if necessary.  An applicant could be a college student, student teacher, Sunday school teacher, Pastor, retired, or any Christian who has a love for a particularly interesting subject matter and a passion for teaching.

If you would like more information about becoming an instructor at Truth Academy, please fill out the form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible. 

**In addition to completing and submitting this form, please email a resume or your summary of experience to [email protected].  Also, if there are classes that you have taught in the past, please include a summary of those classes.

We typically begin interviews in January and hire new instructors by March for the upcoming school year. However, we would love to hear from you anytime!

1. *

First Name

2. *

Last Name

3. *

Street Address and City

4. *

Phone Number

5. *

Email Address

6. *

Please tell us a little about yourself:


What subject(s) are you passionate about teaching?